JSC South River Port operates with cargo delivered by river, rail ways and trucks.
Handlings of ships, gondola cars and rail platforms are operated by portal cranes of the following types:
Albartos, load-carrying ability of 10 tones
Chaika, load-carrying ability of 10 tones
Hants, load-carrying ability of 6 tones and 16-27 tones
Kondor, load-carrying ability of 32-40 tones
Handlings of wagons and lorries are operated by forklift loaders and loaders equipped with gripping devices for roll paper carrying up to 1,5-7 tones.
Loading of rock loose products is operated by front loaders HITACHI. Unloading of cargo is operated either to warehouses for further storage or to another vehicle: ship - warehouse, ship - wagon, ship – trucks, wagon – warehouse, warehouse – ship, warehouse – wagon, warehouse – trucks.
Specialised quay for heavy-weight cargo
In 2001 one of the quays of the port was reconsructed, fixed and re-equipped that let place the mobile cranes and handle cargo up to 400 tones.
As transportation of heavy-weight cargo to Moscow is limited by city infrustructure and transport situation river transport is often the only way to make shipment of such cargo possible.
A tunnel shield was delivered through the heavy-weight quay for the works at Lefortovo and was sent back through the port to Myakinino.